Saturday, October 01, 2005

religious institutions & hollywood

this is from the movie 'Stigmata' from a few years back. yes, i know it's very hollywood and maybe the precursor to the upcoming 'Da Vinci Code' movie in terms of mentioning the Vatican, controversy and cover up in the same breath.

but hey, instead of condemning me immediately for bringing up issues on religion, just take a netural stance and have a think about the repercussions the following few phrases may have on religious institutions all over the world, if it were true...

The kingdom of God is inside you
and all around you,
Not in mansions of wood and stone,
Split a piece of wood and I am there,
Lift a stone and you will find Me

Fanta Grape

When I was little, I used to frequent a corner store KFC near my dad’s store. I’d ask for a one piece feed, just a single drumstick, some of the mashed potatoes and a large Fanta Grape. They were best, pity they’re so difficult to find nowadays…

I remember once when I was holding my tray, when I tripped and my large Fanta Grape flew through the air, in slow motion and splashed all over the floor. I was about 7 years old and I was on the verge of tears when this wonderful KFC lady came over to tell me that she’s got me a new brand new large Fanta Grape! How good is that?

Just woke up this morning in a reminiscing mood. Isn’t it wonderful how uncomplicated life was when we were kids? Away from the BMWs, designer clothes, latest gadgets, Rolex etc.

All I want is my large Fanta Grape and I’ll be happy…